club events - MMCCV out and about Event train

Note: To all Morris Minor owners.
This page is provided for all who love Morris Minors.
If you see a run that is starting or ending near you, or we are passing through your town, please come and say Hi to us.
We love to meet fellow Morry lovers on our travels. You will certainly be made to feel most welcome.

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21 July 2024

Mid-Winter Lunch

Xmas in July

This year, it will be a multi club event incorporating Geelong, Ballarat, Central, Morris Club of Vic and our club.
It will be held at St Anne's Winery, 64 Garrards Lane, Myrniong, between Melbourne and Ballarat, about 55 minutes from Melbourne.

Please RSVP ASAP so we can put numbers together and arrange catering.

Reply via our Facebook page or by text to 0419 373 128 or  email  to the Club Captain.

Big thank you to Wayne Cunningham for organising this event.

August 2024

Car Show

A visit to the well renowned Fox Classic Car Collection of motor vehicles located at 749-755 Collins Street, Docklands.
This is an opportunity to explore a sparkling array of the world's rarest and most presigious vehicles. From over 250 rare and exotic vehicles, this is a must visit for any car enthusiest, historian and lover of all things spectacular.
More details to follow.

Mark Bosley
Club Captain

September 2024

Mystery Run

Wear your FootyClub Colours.

Details to follow

October 2024


Details to follow

November 2024

A busy month with the Cup Run and The Day of the Morris Minor

Details to follow

Thursday, 5th December 2024

Christmas Function

Details to follow

11-14 April 2025

21st National Rally - Perth, WA

Click here. for more information.
More details to follow on trip to and from Perth.


Other possible suggestions for the year include: Eynesbury Historic Homestead, RAAF Museum, Point Cook. Let us know if you'd like to organize a run or have suggestions for places to consider for one of our runs.


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Impromptu Runs or Pop-up Runs on a week day

The Committee would like to encourage members to welcome other members to join them on their private Morry runs during the week, or whenever, to increase social interaction of members in-between Club meetings and the monthly weekend runs. This has been difficult to arrange previously when relying on either "the Generator" or just the monthly meetings to broadcast run arrangements.
But with almost everyone on the Internet these days, it should be possible to get this happening immediately following the simple procedure outlined below.

As soon as you have a run in mind, preferably at least with 48 hours notice, send an email to the Editor headed "Pop-up Run" giving details of date, time & place of meeting, (McDonald's are good mustering places for coffee and initial toilet visit) and details of the intended destination and any suggestions for BYO food or café etc. plus your name and mobile phone number.
The Editor will then immediately forward your e-mail to all Club members listed on the Club database.
All you have to do then is turn up at the selected meeting point by the appointed time, and a good time can be had by all.
Feedback to the Club via any of the Committee members would be appreciated after such runs or at the next Club meeting.
Please note that Pop-up runs are not intended to replace the monthly weekend run, but to be an additional Club activity.

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Please think of runs you would like to do this year, or even next year,
and discuss them with the
Club Captain.